Web & Email Hosting

We have been an ISP since the late 1990’s, and have the scale to match your needs

Synergic has been part of the Internet for many years, and knows how to keep web sites and email spinning, its what we do, its part of our DNA;  its why we work directly with our customers and website designers who just let us get on with looking after the technicals like DNS (Domain Name Services), web and email servers as well as larger virtual and dedicated servers.

Providing Choice:

  • Linux & Windows based hosting.
  • On demand installation of Word Press
  • Two data centres, geographically separated,
  • internationally separated DNS infrastructure.

Direct to director led contact!

Unlike many other ISP/Hosting partners, this service is led my a named director who will be you point of contact on all matters relating to your web site and email, our directors are experienced with tens of years of experience and their services are called upon by UK Government, the broader public sector and the SME communities.

We also host web sites for the likes of ISfL – Information Security for London.